Born to Create
fair Value for the World

Let's make your dreams come true

A new way of understanding consulting business

As a consulting firm, Valoria Group’s mission is to help companies on their transformation processes to create more and better value for their stakeholders.

With our contribution we help companies to make their dreams come true by making them more efficent and competitive. But since we take very seriously our individual and collective impact on the world, our core purpose is to create as much fair value for the company itself but also its customers, society and  environment. That is what we call WIN4 Projects. 

If you agree with this phylosophy you are very welcome to hire our services and get access to our partners network. 

Services to make your wishes come true

Challenges for organizational change are tough and complex. Because of this, Valoria Group offers a wide range of services and partners that will help you company to achieve your specific transformation goals

Strategy definition

Define how your business will grow. Combine new ideas and best practices and build the best solution to succed..

Operational excellence

Optimize  your resources and align all your business processes to achieve the best performance in  sustainable way.

People Development

Build your own high performance team by improving its skills, knowledge and motivation and get it ready for the action.

Transformation office

Define the objective and let our Change Managemente specialists  define the right roadmap to  make the change come true.

Business Intelligence

Implement smart and interactive dashboards and data analytics. Get control at a glance and make the right decisions every time.

CSR Management

Implement inclusive and sustainable processes, roles and  policies to become a WIN4 partner.

Software tools and apps

Design the perfect taylor made tool and make your work faster, easier, more effective, connected  and even more fun..

Support to Start-ups

Get advise from our business experts, find the bests for your team, get investment and and lauch your start-up project.


Get the best profetionals to cover new strategic positions and make your company the necessry skills  in a short time.

The team

Global Holistic Dreaming Team

Because all projects we are involved in have to give fair value for the world, we are very strict on choosing them. Once we join in one we give all our effort, expertise and motivation to accomplish the mission. Our contribution lays on:


We select the best internal knowledge and skills for each project and phase


We provide our experience in a large number of sectors and business areas


Our professionals are assigned at one project at a time to ensure focus and full commitment with it


Team set-up includes both Valoria consultants and key persons of the client organization


Our main motivation is getting things done and make our customers’ wishes come true.


We take a furhter look and  think out of the box becasause creativity is key for success


Some figures to show our achievements and our commitment

projects conducted


implemented dashboards

Contact us, we are looking forward to working with you



Win4 stands for those improvement initiatives that carefully and proactively take into account as well the direct and indirect impact of its outputs on 4 levels of stakeholders:

Sponsor and Organization

 We make our clients’ challenges our own and we do our best to implement the best solution to achieve their goals. Only when the sponsor is satisfied we are satisfied.

Customers and end-users

The success of our initiatives has always an impact on our partners’ costumers. As long well as it they were our direct partners, the projects in which we get involved must become in a direct or indirect way a benefit for the final users or customers.


Beyond final customers there is a community of people which every company and organization must care about. With our initiatives we will always try to contribute to a more equal, fair and better society


Taking care of the environment and being respectful with our planet and its resources is part of our responsibility. Once again, we take care also of our projects footprint.

Valoria Group chooses carefully our customers and projects to preserve Win4 philosophy in order to ensure having a positive impact on the world